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  • Writer's picture Zalman Nelson - Therapist

Therapy Tips: How to Pick A Therapist?

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

therapy tips pick a therapist

In essence, you are looking for someone to help you do the therapy. That means a relationship: building trust, sharing openly, confidentiality, hearing feedback, and inviting that person into your life.

Keep this therapy tip in mind as you begin to research, reach out to, and interact with potential therapists. Everything is an opportunity to see how you feel. You can prepare some questions that you want to ask or ask what is on your mind. Then, be aware of how it is received and answered, and how you are dealt with.

Here's another related therapy tip: Keep in mind that this process is often a matter of trial and error. You may talk to a few different therapists before you find the right one, and that is OK.

​Think about it: this is a person I’m going to be investing a lot of time, energy, and vulnerability with. Do I get a sense it is possible to develop trust? At first, you may be unsure, but a few sessions later see the connection forming. Or, you may have a good initial sense and then start to feel the opposite a few weeks later. It must be a comfortable fit. The value of feeling a good intuitive match with somebody cannot be underestimated.


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